Don't QUIT! Don't STOP! Girl, you have come too far to throw in the towel! Keep pressing through! You might have a Goliath in your way but, all you need is a sling, five smooth stones, and the Creator of the Universe on your side!
Give your mess to God and invite Him into your mess! Use the resources you have! Don't try and be anyone else but you. Keep your blinders on, earplugs in and, get after that Goliath!
In 1 Samuel 17: 38-39 Saul, gave David his military clothes to put on to get suited up to face Goliath. Verse 39 David couldn't walk he was not used to them.

Lesson one, Don't try and take on someone else's identity! God made you unique! What fits another person might not be a good fit for you!
1 Samuel 17:40 "Instead, he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the wadi and put them in the pouch, in his shepherd's bag. Then, with his sling in his hand, he approached the Philistine."
Lesson two, be yourself and use the resources you have. Sometimes, when we are facing a Goliath, we might feel like we don't have enough! Truth is you are enough and, you have enough! It's on the inside of you! It's been there all along! ACTIVATE it! You might not see it external but, that's ok! You will, but you have to work from the inside out! For now, go outside, grab five smooth stones from your backyard and your sling!
It's GO time girl!
1 Samuel 17:49-50

"David put his hand in the bag, took out a stone, slung it, and hit the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown to the ground. David defeated the Philistine with a sling and a stone. David overpowered the Philistine and killed him without having a sword."
Lesson three PROOF that you have more than enough. God doesn't need a lot to do a lot. All David had was five stones. And all David used was one!
So beautiful girl, DON'T QUIT! DON'T STOP! Keep pressing through! Go face your Goliath because now you know you are enough and have more than enough!
I'm cheering you on!
Love your Kingdom sister,