It's 6:00 AM you are sitting in a big white fuzzy chair cuddled up in your blush warm pink blanket waiting for your best friend to bring you a Starbucks coffee!

God just put it on her heart to bring you some yummy coffee! You know she's bringing you coffee but, you don't know what kind! Your BFF pulls up in your driveway at 6:30 A.M calls you from her car, says "sorry I can't stay I have a meeting at work, I will leave the coffee on your front porch." You say ok awesome!
Your friend drives off! You are SO beyond comfortable in your big fuzzy white chair and warm blush pink blanket you don't want to get up! You want the coffee, but are struggling! You don't want to move but you are curious...
What kind of coffee did she bring me?
What does it smell like?
What size is it?
I wonder if it's a cold brew or warm coffee?
So you get your phone out log on to your ring app to see the coffee sitting on your front porch! It's a venti and it's in a regular Starbucks cup! It's a hot one! You get excited!
Now the only way to know what's in that venti cup is to get up and get the coffee! If it was overflowing you would know what's in that cup, but it's not, or is it? It's hard to tell from the ring app.
You throw the pink blush blanket off run to the front porch and grab that venti coffee! It's hot and pouring over the sides with hot espresso and salted caramel! It's a salted caramel latte, you taste it and it's everything you needed at that moment!
Ok, so why am I having you picture yourself in a random story?

We can't let our emotions and feelings get the best of us! Yes, maybe that girl in the story didn't get sleep the night before, maybe it's snowing outside and she's cold, or maybe she's going through a breakup with her boyfriend! It could be anything! We have all been there before!
Instead of letting our emotions and feelings get the best of us. We need to tap into that emotion! Ask ourselves why am I feeling this way?
Let's say it wasn't getting enough sleep! Ok, so now you know why. Give yourself grace today but still, do what you need to do. If this girl committed to writing a paper for college today, then do it! Yes, you will be tired but do it! Don't give in to that emotion!
Throw that blanket off! GET UP! Open some new door today because you might just find an overflowing blessing waiting just for you!
Live in the overflow always! Regardless of how you feel! Stay committed to the thing you said you would do!

Write that paper tired! Your overflow might end up in an A!
If you said you would read a chapter of the Bible a day! Do it! Your overflow might be a word from God!
If you said you were going to spend 2 hours a day on your side business! Do it! Your overflow might lead you to quit your full-time job and make your business full-time!
If you said you were going to go to the grocery store today and you just don't feel like it! Do it! Your overflow might be someone paying for your groceries or huge discounts!