Take space to create again!
Take space to dream again!
Take space to connect with God again!
Take space to connect with yourself again!
Take the space!
When you take the space there will be FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) but, there's a new place God wants to take you. He wants to download a new fire in your Spirit!
We can't always sustain the pace we have been striving. Sometimes God calls us to walk at a slower pace.
I've been fighting this since the end of July! I kept telling myself this is not a season to rest! It was!
I recently had a coffee chat with Jesus. Holding the warm cup of coffee, telling Jesus what was on my heart, and crying tears in my coffee, it became clear.
Take space!
In the month of November, I am going to TAKE SPACE! I will not be on social, and there will not be a blog unless the Lord prompts it.
Sometimes you have to disconnect to reconnect! This is how I am SHIFTING TO MY WORTH THIS SEASON!
Love Your Kingdom Sister,
PS: Take some space for yourself if you feel led. Please still send in any prayer requests if you have them. Remember you are WORTHY of REST! I'll see you beautiful girl in December! :)