We just talked about letting go of your past in Genesis 19. But in Genesis 20, we see that even Abraham slips back into his old ways, similar to what happened in Genesis 12. Let’s be real— we’re all human, and from time to time, we might find ourselves slipping back into negative thoughts or old experiences. Personally, I know I’m freed from my past, but sometimes, when I’m having a bad day, that old junk tries to creep back in. It’s like, “Devil, get off me!” Right?
It’s important that we feast on Jesus every day! We need to be in our Bibles daily, seven days a week, and praying consistently. Every little scripture you read, and every one-minute prayer adds up. Each time you do this, you get fuller and fuller. You are feasting, and you are so locked on Jesus that those little distractions fade away. Think about it, when you're full, you are happy and restful, with no pressure whatsoever.
I picture my Jesus time as if Jesus Himself is sitting at a table. He’s got the yummy food ready and a hot cup of coffee with my name on it. Each day, I have a choice: am I going to show up to the table and meet with Jesus? Or will I leave Him there by Himself? Eventually, the food will get cold, smell because it’s sat out for hours, and my coffee will become room temperature. If I don’t show up, I might miss all the spiritual nutrients He wants to drop in my soul. Those nutrients will give me fuel to sustain my day strong. If I don’t show up, I might miss a great coffee conversation with Him.
Those days when I don’t show up to the table, distraction comes in—aka the enemy. It makes me sick, just like it would if I ate food that sat out for hours. I walk through my day hungry, so maybe I pick up social media scrolling, thinking this will take my mind off things. It makes me feel worse; the enemy highlights everything I don’t have. If I would have shown up to the table, picked up my Word, maybe just read one scripture, and prayed a one-minute prayer, I wouldn’t have this problem. I want to encourage you that you can show up to the table whenever you want in your day; Jesus is always there! It’s your decision! Are you going to show up and watch God show out? Or are you going to say you don’t have time and walk through your day feeling distracted?
Lastly, when we are showing up to the table, we are getting direction for our day. In Genesis 20, I don’t think Abraham showed up to the table. I don’t think he asked God for permission to tell Abimelech that Sarah was his sister.
In verse 11, “Abraham replied, ‘I thought, ‘This is a godless place. They will want my wife and will kill me to get her.’”
He said, "I THOUGHT!" We just create a bigger mess when we do things our own way. Sisters and Brothers, let's show up to the table every day, see what God thinks, and follow His steps throughout our day!
Now, you’ll find a set of discussion questions. I encourage you to share your thoughts and answers in the comments section. You can explore these questions on your own, with a friend, or both. Let’s support each other as we embrace waiting in God’s perfect timing. Please join the conversation and leave a comment below!
Also if you would like a copy of the FREE Guide "Get Up: Embracing God's Perfect Timing" that goes along with these blogs please go to shiftworthyministries.com and download your copy.
Discussion Questions:
1. Can you share a time when not spending time with Jesus led to unnecessary stress or distractions in your day?
2. How do you ensure you make time for Jesus daily, even when your schedule is busy?
Action Step:
Commit to spending at least five minutes each day this week reading the Bible and praying. Reflect on how this daily time with Jesus impacts your attitude and actions throughout the day.