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Writer's pictureJessica Lynne

Romanticizing Your Life!

Dear Daughter of God,

You are a princess because your heavenly father is the

King! You are a jewel in God's crown! You are worthy & beautiful! Daughter of God this life on earth is a blink! We spend too much time running around frazzled, stressed, worried & comparing ourselves. No wonder half the time we can't hear our heavenly father speak to us!

We each have certain responsibilities that require our time & energy but what if we get on our knees, pray to our heavenly father tears and all. Ask Him to lift the weight off our shoulders, pour down His perfect peace and let if flow in our everyday lives. Allow Him to disrupt your normal routine & surrender to a slower peaceful routine!

I know I'm guilty of rushing my morning Jesus time! Anyone else? I shared last week a little of my personal struggle! This week I just allowed Jesus to take over! I came across my journaling Bible last Monday morning, I got it out put a sermon on and started to color and journal with Jesus! It was a freeing, beautiful, peaceful, slowing down disruption I needed! I did it every morning last week & some nights before I went to bed!

I pray that this week God sends you a slow peaceful disruption away from your day to day! I pray that you enjoy every moment you have this week & romanticize your life!

Romanticizing your life is becoming childlike, living like you are in a fairy tale, slowing down & enjoying every moment! Remember you are a princess, so it's time you start acting like one!

Tips On How To Romanticize Your Life!

  1. Change up your Jesus time! Maybe instead of reading a chapter out of your Bible, read a verse, soak it in, write about it or color about it.

  2. Go for a slow walk! Instead of rushing & thinking a million miles a minute, slow down, enjoy the scenery, smell the fresh air, listen to the birds chirping, enjoy the warm sunshine on your skin & ask God to speak to you! When you slow down you are more likely to hear Gods whispers.

  3. Do something for yourself! Take a warm bath, light candles, blast that worship music & relax!

  4. Dress up for no reason! Put those yoga pants away for the day and put your favorite sundress on! It's amazing how something as small as this can make you feel like a new person.

  5. Compliment strangers! When you are doing your day to day tell someone your hair looks beautiful today or I love your shirt! When that person smiles and says thank you it's going to transfer to your spirt & bring a light on the inside of you!

Enjoy every moment! Slow down! Breathe it in! Know that you are a beautiful worthy princess, put your heavenly father first & romanticize your life!

Love Your Kingdom Sister,


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