Did you know that God had a dream? His dream is found in His Son, Jesus! God’s plan revolves around His Son and is about His Son. Take a moment to reflect on your promise and what you are waiting for. Hold it in your heart and read this next part slowly.
To truly understand God's plan for you and the nations, you need to see it from His perspective. God has a deep affection for everything happening on Earth. He wants it to be the epicenter of His Son's rule and reign. If your dream isn’t aligned with His, it isn’t God’s dream for you. God won’t entrust us with a dream or promise until His dream becomes our priority.
Let's revisit Abraham’s real dream. Abraham thought Isaac was the dream, but the true dream was the seed of Isaac—Jesus. In Abraham, your seed (Jesus) will bless all the nations. God’s dream is for His Worthy Son to reign forever from Jerusalem. One day, Jesus will return and dwell among His people. My encouragement to you is: GET CAUGHT UP IN GOD’S DREAM!
Your promise holds more meaning than you think! It’s not just about you; it’s about advancing the Kingdom! Perhaps now you understand why your promise seems delayed. God is doing a deep work inside you so that when it’s time for you to step out, you’ll be ready to shine Jesus’ light as brightly as possible. This waiting season is beautiful! Sometimes, you need to go deeper and see it from another perspective.
Now that we’ve shifted our perspective, let's recap and move forward into Genesis 22. Abraham left everything for his BFF, God. God births people and their promises. Though Abraham was promised Isaac, he ended up with Ishmael first. Ishmael stayed around a long time, but Abraham continued to wait for Isaac. It wasn’t his job to worry about when Isaac would come; it was God’s. God was holding out on Isaac so he could be born at the perfect time. Isaac, the miracle baby, was finally born. In Genesis 22, God says to give him back.
“So Abraham placed the wood for the burnt offering on Isaac’s shoulders, while he himself carried the fire and knife. As the two of them walked on together.” (Genesis 22:6)
Perspective Shift: Isaac carries wood on his back, similar to Jesus carrying the Cross.
GOD WILL PROVIDE A LAMB! Abraham proves his love for the Lord by preparing to sacrifice Isaac. But then, Abraham looks up and sees a ram caught in the thicket.
“Then Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in a thicket. So he took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering in place of his son.” (Genesis 22:13)
Perspective Shift: The thicket represents the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’ head.
A RAM, not a LAMB, was caught!
Perspective Shift: This ram saved Isaac, but it’s not the Savior. There is someone better coming—JESUS!
It’s all about perspective. You can choose to see Jesus in this waiting season or you can walk through like ugh God I have to sacrifice my son the one you promised to me! I don’t want to kill him! My heart hurts! I don’t know if I can do this! When will this be over? Ugh this is going to be a long day and walk!
Embrace the journey and trust in God’s timing.
Keep feasting on Jesus, sisters and brothers! Get swallowed up in God’s dream! The dream is bigger than you! Shift your perspective! I’m cheering you on in this waiting season!
Now, you’ll find a set of discussion questions. I encourage you to share your thoughts and answers in the comments section. You can explore these questions on your own, with a friend, or both. Let’s support each other as we embrace waiting in God’s perfect timing. Please join the conversation and leave a comment below!
Also if you would like a copy of the FREE Guide "Get Up: Embracing God's Perfect Timing" that goes along with these blogs please go to shiftworthyministries.com and download your copy.
Discussion Questions:
1. How does understanding God's larger plan change your view of your own dreams and promises?
2. In what ways can seeing your waiting season through God's perspective transform your attitude and actions?
Action Step:
Take time this week to journal about your current waiting season. Reflect on how it aligns with God's bigger plan and identify one practical step you can take to align your dreams with His.