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Writer's pictureJessica Lynne

Mini Recap: Mark 1-6

Yeah!!!! Let’s celebrate first, you did it!!!! You read the first 6 chapters of Mark! Woot! Woot! I’m SO happy for you! I hope that these 6 days of digging into the Word have brought you closer to Jesus! I also hope that as you were reading about Jesus performing miracles, it stirred something up inside of you. I hope it got you thinking, if Jesus can do that for them, He can do it for me. I know He can, because nothing is impossible with Jesus!

Please make sure you have read Mark 1-6. This is not a detailed recap or to be replaced as a commentary. Just a little fast summary of each chapter. It’s something you read and your like oh yeah I remember that! ;)

Alright let’s recap…

Mark Chapter 1

Jesus was starting out His earthly Ministry. He met a fashionable guy that wore camel hair garment, leather belt & defienty ate organic (locusts and wild honey.) His name was John the Baptist. John, baptized Jesus in the Jordan river. After that happened the Heavens opened (1:10-11.)

The Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted (1:12-13.) Jesus called his first disciples & they immediately left and followed Jesus (1:16-20.) They went to Capernaum and Jesus drove out an unclean spirit & healed Simon’s mother in law from a fever.

Chapter 2

Jesus entered Capernaum again. Jesus was speaking in a crowded room, 4 men lowered their paralytic friend through the roof because they could not get into the crowded room. Jesus healed the paralytic man.

Jesus called Levi to be one of His disciples. Jesus answered a question about fasting & the Sabbath day.

Chapter 3

Jesus entered the synagogue, He healed a man on the Sabbath that had a shriveled hand. Immediately the Pharisees started plotting how they might kill Him (1-6.) Jesus ministered to the multitude. Jesus appointed the 12 apostles to preach, and gave them authority to drive out demons.

Chapter 4

Jesus taught a parable about the sower. When He was finished the 12 apostles asked Jesus about the parables (10-12.) Jesus explained the parable of the sower. Jesus and his disciples got into a boat and crossed over to the other side of the sea. A great windstorm arose and waves were breaking over the boat. Jesus was sound asleep through the storm, his disciples woke him up in panic. “Jesus got up & rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Silence! Be still!” The wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”

Chapter 5

Jesus is in the region of Gerasenes & He drives out many unclean spirits in a man (Legion.) A synagogue leader named Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet and asked him to lay His hands on his daughter that was dying. Jesus went with him, along the way a woman that had been bleeding for 12 years touched Jesus’ clothes, & instantly she was healed. Jairus gets the news that his daughter is dead. Jesus told him “Don’t be afraid. Only believe.” Jesus took the girl by the hand & told her “little girl get up!” The little girl got up and began to walk.

Chapter 6

Jesus was rejected in His Hometown (Nazareth) & He sent the twelve out in pairs, giving them authority over unclean spirits. John the Baptist was beheaded, Jesus fed five thousand people, Jesus walked on water, and Jesus healed more people.

Love Your Kingdom Sister,


PS: Keep it up!! Keep spending that time with Jesus!! You made it this far, don't quit!! :)

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