Dear Beautiful Girl,
Let's just jump right in! I have 3 questions for you...
1.) Are you living your BEST life with Jesus?
Are you making time for Jesus daily? Do you feel His presence daily? Do you have that Kingdom girl swag daily? Do you have more good days than bad (or is it the opposite.)
2.) Have you been living for Jesus or someone else?
Have you been living your faith out? Have you been doing the thing God's been speaking to you? Have you been following the crowd? Have you been following who that guy you like wants you to be? Who have you been living for?
3.) What has influenced your emotional state?
Let's be real! Are you comparing yourself to that girl on ticktock or IG? Is it a subject in school you're struggling with? Is it your nutrition? Is it Jesus? Do you have that Jesus joy? What is it, girl?
WOW! I know those 3 questions were heavy, but sometimes you just have to step back and think! I want to encourage you to live it up with Jesus! When you put Him in all areas of your life you will feel more confident! I can't promise it will always be easy, but you will get peace in your heart that it's all going to work out for my good!
This was a mini sit & think blog! Down below is a downloadable PDF where you can get it out of your head, onto paper & give yourself some strategies to live it up with Jesus!
Love Your Kingdom Sister,