Ooh, ooh, it's BLOGmas Day 11! Today let's talk some more Kingdom Confidence! Woot! Woot!
Beautiful girl, you might feel..
too young
even too old for God to use you.
If you feel this way, YOU ARE THE ONE GOD WANTS TO USE! This world tells us we have to have it all together, BUT the Kingdom doesn't require it!
The Kingdom requires you to show up as yourself! Even if you just got back from the farm, smelling all the smell and looking like a hot mess!
God wants to use our so-called flaws to bring glory to the Kingdom!
He wants to use that quiet girl that's unseen!
He wants to use the girl that's scared to pray out loud.
He wants to use the girl that can't afford to buy the fancy name brands.
He wants to use the girl that's paralyzed with fear and anxiety.
He wants to use the girl that just got divorced!
He wants to use broken girls! He wants to use you and me.
The quiet girl that is unseen! HE SEES HER & LOVES HER! Maybe just one day you will see her speaking God's Word with authority all over the world!
The girl that's scared to pray out loud! One day the Spirit will hit her so strongly she won't be able to hold back and she will pray fervently! Her prayers will set others free!
For the girl that can't afford designer clothes! God is her name brand! One day God might just use her to start a Christian fashion line! This will give glory to her ultimate designer KING JESUS!
For the girl that's paralyzed with fear and anxiety! God's going to set her free and she is going to be a testimony for others that if God can do it for her, He can do it for them.
For the girl that just got a divorce! He wants to show you He is your ultimate provider and no other man will be able to love you as He does! Maybe just one day He will send that Spirit-Filled Kingdom man of God your way!
Search the Word girl & you will find little inexperienced people just like you and me! One of my favorites is little David & GIANT Goliath (1 Samuel 17.) Go check it out or reread it!
Love Your Kingdom Sister,