Beautiful girl, Jesus died on the cross with His head down so yours could be lifted!
I don't know what you are currently facing but, LIFT THAT HEAD because...
You are loved!
You are chosen!
You are His daughter!
Jesus has got your current circumstance in His hand!
He knows everything about you!
He knows when you mess up and still loves you!
He knows when you are stressed to the max!
He knows when people are taking advantage of you!

Now is the time to LIFT YOUR HEAD! Look up to Jesus! If you feel distant from Jesus, LIFT those hands to heaven and tell Him I need you I'm coming back!
He's waiting for you! His arms are opened! Go ahead and cry on His shoulder! He's going to comfort you and His presence is going to flood you and your situation!
You are LOVED! Run to the arms of Jesus! He's waiting for you!
Love Your Kingdom Sister,