I remember December 2011 I was sitting on my bed watching a Britt Nicole YouTube video and, I heard two words "teen girls". It wasn't an audible voice it was just something random that came up in my spirit.
Those were the first words I heard God speak to me. Honestly, at the time I didn't know it was God. Looking back I know with all my heart it was Him.
I kept this to myself because I didn't understand it! After that day I started developing a BIG heart for teen girls. I started researching how I could help teens and, God dropped the call to Ministry in my heart!
April 2012 the youth pastor at my old church sent me a message and asked if I would like to volunteer with middle school girls. I never signed a volunteer sheet or showed interest in it! I knew without a doubt this was God and He was the one who spoke "teen girls" to me.
Of course, I said yes! I volunteered in that youth ministry for about 5 years. Those were some of the best years of my life! I love each girl that was put in my path! They will always have a special place in my heart.
In December of 2013, God told me to leave the current church I was at and go to another church. I disobeyed God and, couldn't understand w
hy He was asking me to leave. I didn't want to leave my girls in the youth group.
Also, during that time I enrolled in a Seminary school and started to pursue this calling, passion that God placed in my heart. Life got in the way, fear, people telling me Women aren't allowed to speak or have their own Ministry.
I dropped out of Seminary, ran from the ministry, and around 2017 life took a turn and, walked away from the church and youth group I was involved in. (for more check out "about" section at shiftworthyministries.com).
God had other plans in December 2019 God brought me back to the church He called me to in 2013. In February 2020 I went to a dinner at the church to join. I randomly got placed next to the youth pastor and his wife. I never mentioned anything about my former youth experience. At the end of the dinner, I was talking to a lady, the youth group was mentioned for a little bit and two weeks later I became a volunteer.
April God started applying pressure to start back the ministry and December Shift Worthy Ministries was born! Teen girls are the heart of this Ministry, there is so much coming!
I'm writing this to encourage you...
1.) That God does speak to you! If you feel something random stir up in your spirt, write down because you might find out months later "hey that was God speaking to me"!
2.) Obey God even when it doesn't make since! I sometimes wonder what my life would look like if I joined my current church in 2013. I'm am thankful God gave me another chance years later.
3.) Don't give up on your God given dream! People can be mean, fear is real and life happens but, if God called you to it He's not going to abandon you until all the work is finished. Keep pressing forward girl!
"Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He won't leave you or abandon you until all the work for the service of the LORD'S house is finished." 1 Chronicles 28:20
4.) If God really wants you to pressure something He will bring you back full circle to complete that God given dream.
Love Your Kingdom Sister,