In Genesis 17, we meet Abram, who becomes Abraham, stepping into a divine promise from God. Hello name change! Abraham sounds so much better than Abram. God told Abraham:
“I will make you the father of a multitude of nations! What’s more, I am changing your name. It will no longer be Abram. Instead, you will be called Abraham, for you will be the father of many nations. I will make you extremely fruitful. Your descendants will become many nations, and kings will be among them.” — Genesis 17:4-6 NLT
WOW, that’s a BIG promise! To obtain this promise, Abraham had to “obey the terms of the covenant.” As we wait for God's promises to come forth, we need to be obedient to the Lord. If we can’t listen and obey during the waiting period, how will we be able to carry our promise when it arrives? Also, how can you have faith without obedience? You can’t! Faith and obedience are connected. If we can’t listen to the Lord in our time of waiting, how will we be able to step out in faith when He says it’s time to take our promise?
In Genesis 17:15, Abraham’s wife also gets a name change, from Sarai to Sarah! When God gives you a promise, He often changes your name for the better. Maybe your promise involves you becoming “Fearless,” so God changes your name to “Fearless.” You might not feel “Fearless” in the moment, but through the waiting, He’s shaping and molding you into that word. He knows you need that attribute to step into your promise. Ok, Jessica went on a trail; let’s get back to Sarah! ;)
God told Sarah: “I will bless her and give you a son! Yes, I will bless her richly, and she will become the mother of many nations. Kings of nations will be among her descendants.”
— Genesis 17:15-16 NLT
After God spoke this, Abraham laughed in disbelief! How could Abraham be a father at 100, and how could Sarah have a baby at 90? Does this sound like you? God promised you something, and you're like, “Umm God, say what? That seems cool and all but impossible for me!”
First off, to backtrack, Sarah was barren; she couldn’t have kids! There’s usually a problem standing in front of your promise! God designed it that way so that when you receive the promise, He gets all the glory! Also, He’s a relational God who wants you to spend time with Him and seek Him for direction. He cares for you. He wants to shape and mold you for the journey ahead.
If God said it, He would do it! Nothing is impossible with God. Cling to Him and His promise.
Lessons Learned from Genesis 17:
- God might have spoken an impossible promise to me, but God is the God of the impossible!
- My job is to be obedient to Him.
- Cling to Him.
- Trust Him.
- Spend time with Him.
- Keep the faith and just wait.
Now, you’ll find a set of discussion questions. I encourage you to share your thoughts and answers in the comments section. You can explore these questions on your own, with a friend, or both. Let’s support each other as we embrace waiting in God’s perfect timing. Please join the conversation and leave a comment below!
Also if you would like a copy of the FREE Guide "Get Up: Embracing God's Perfect Timing" that goes along with these blogs please go to and download your copy.
Discussion Questions:
- Has God made a promise to you? What was the promise?
- Do you feel as if what He told you is impossible?
- Ask yourself: Am I being obedient to God in this waiting season?
Activation Step:
This week, spend some time in prayer and ask God to show you areas in your life where you need to be more obedient. Write down any specific actions He prompts you to take and commit to following through. Trust that through your obedience, He is preparing you for the fulfillment of His promises.