Are you so busy creating a picture without actually stepping in the picture frame?
Maybe you find yourself often daydreaming about a life you will once have in the future.
That perfect job, graduating from high school or college, finding that perfect guy, or having that dream body!
It's good to daydream & have goals, but we need to step into that picture & stop holding the frame!
Action is scary! I get it! If that daydream is going to become a beautiful picture, we have to move forward, stepping in faith! We might not know how to make that dream a reality, but we still have to do something!
If we settle & sit there trying to understand and figuring out the perfect plan, that picture you
see will be a picture YOU see. Only you will see it, not that girl that needs to hear your story, not your family, not your BFFs, and not the world! Just YOU!
You were NOT made to settle! You were MADE for MOVEMENT! Maybe you are at a crossroads right now... you know deep in your heart which path to take!
It might be a tougher path, you might have to give up people or comfortable circumstances, but it has to rain to see the flower bloom!
You are that flower! Grow girl! Step out on faith & Keep moving forward!
Keep that picture in your heart, keep moving forward & before you know it you, will be holding that picture in a beautiful frame telling others not to give up! YOU will be living proof that if I can do it! SHE can do it!
Go after that scary dream, Sis! God's got you! Be fearless & crossover!
Love Your Kingdom Sister,