Align yourself with Jesus this week so He can shine through you!
This is for the girl that feels as if she has lost her shine! That Jesus spark deep down inside of her! Girl this is your week to realign yourself with the Heavenly Father!
Such a special week we are approaching! It's Holy Week! In everyday life, we get distracted by the hustle and business of life! It's crazy and chaotic! Sometimes we push Jesus away and make up excuses why we can't spend time with Him! When that happens we are unaligned and we start to decline!
Think about it...
When you are not spending that time with Jesus you are probably more agitated, tired, and negative. When we are not in alignment with the Father we start to decline! That Jesus shine is gone!
Now back to Holy Week! This is your time to align! I believe this is a special time and 2021 is even more special! First last year around this time we were in lockdown because of COVID! We didn't get to go to church! This year we get to go to church and gather with family and other believers! I have a feeling alters will be packed with beautiful people accepting or recommitting their lives to Jesus this Resurrecting Sunday!
This is also a beautiful time where we can put down all the distractions and focus and reflect on Jesus and what He did for us! Girl Jesus loves you and wants you to realign with him! Do it this week! This is your time! The moment is NOW!
Spend that time with Jesus so He can shine through you! Be His light! You might just be the spark to someone's fire! Someone might be needing to see Jesus through you, they might need to see that change in you to know there's hope for them! You can pass the torch to them so they can shine through Jesus! Then they can pass that torch to the next person so on...
That Jesus shine begins to compound! So girl get aligned to shine!
Love Your Kingdom Sister,