This morning, I set out for my usual walk, following the same route I always take. As I approached a familiar street to turn down, a heavy feeling came over me, and I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to turn around. Though I didn’t understand why, I obeyed and turned back. As I walked, I asked Him why. In response, He filled me with peace and said, “I want to show you something.”
I continued walking, resisting the urge to turn down another street when I heard Him say, “Keep going straight.” Confused but trusting, I moved forward, wondering what He had in store for me. When I reached another intersection, I asked if I could turn. This time, He gave me peace to proceed. As I approached a busy street, I hesitated, thinking I should avoid the chaos. But the Holy Spirit said, “No, walk down this street.”
As I walked along the busy road, I came across an estate sale. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, saying, “Look at these people; they are so consumed with stuff. They want things, not Me. They aren’t thinking about the person who passed away, whether they had eternal life or not.” I noticed a picture of the deceased in the yard, yet people were passing by it to enter the house.
In that moment, I felt the heart of Jesus. Afterward, He told me to return to my car and go home. This experience brought everything into perspective. It reminded me of Luke 10:42, “Only one thing is needed.” That one thing is Jesus. This world offers us nothing compared to Him.

We might find a cool chair or something valuable at an estate sale, but without Jesus, we have nothing. What about the person who passed away? Did they know Jesus? Did anyone share Jesus with them? This is a reminder to spend time with Him daily so we can walk in His strength and be His light in the world. Even a simple “Hello” or “Jesus loves you” can make a difference.
This world needs Jesus, not stuff. For the world to want Jesus, we must walk into it and share His love.
"But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42
We must detach from things and attach to Jesus! I love Matthew 14 where Jesus said to Peter "come" Peter received and believed his word. He stepped out of the boat, kept His eyes on Jesus! Peter had to detach himself from the boat and attach himself to Jesus! I want to encourage you this week to detach from things in this world and attach yourself to Jesus. Be that Jesus light wherever you go!